Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dawn over Ranjishpur

Dawn over Ranjishpur: Purely for the perverted at mind
A Gangster film noir with super star cast from Titanic 22 of Playground fame

If you're unlucky to be born into a socially, economically and racially isolated community that has poverty, crime, drugs and violence as its everyday realities, the odds are stacked incredibly high against you. It literally takes so much effort, strength, struggle and plain ol' good fortune to simply avoid becoming a gangster, let alone do anything more with life. Most who find themselves in the situation described above never even enter this fight and out of those that do - only the rare ones succeed.

A self-deprecatory self-indulgent self-destructive narrative inspired by Noire set amidst the dark lanes of Nafrat Hill, a gritty portrayal of suburban life in the badnaam muhalla’s of Ranjishpur. Life is a rare occurrence here, and smile, an occasional mistake.

Ghetto….drug dealers running the community….children taking to crime as the only available alternative for living….in this ghetto, rise these unapologetic characters who decide to legalize their endless misery and transform theirs and the lives of people around them into a life of luxury….these characters are funny yet brutally shocking….tears have no emotional value attached to them, they are a passé…agony is a way of life….loneliness is your only friend…redemption is not needed anymore, the only redemption would be escape from reality….money is more of a necessity than a reward…it is up to these characters now to either mire in their fates or to celebrate their despair…power without any character, power without responsibility, power given without a sense of reason or ownership….but as with all natural systems, this too shall saturate at some level, where some people will rise above the average mediocrity and challenge their fundamentals…absence of authority….innocence amidst the apparent intransigence….a system or lack of it that perpetuates a cycle of violence…ok now back to the game!


KARAN- the modest madman
ALWIN- the rock star
DHEERAJ- the shameless wizard
CHAITANYA-the brat
RAHUL-the self-professed conman
DAVID- the unchallenged Don
PRINCE-the smooth operator
CHARLES-the smart talker
GAJAA-the man


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